May 2022

Spring is a wonderful time of year… the trees are blooming, the grass is green, the flowers are starting to pop open….. the garden is ready for planting.

I recently had cataract surgery – left eye in middle of April and the right eye the end of April, I am able to see without glasses except for very small print and then I use either a magnifying glass or low level reading glasses. I am still putting drops in my right eye four times a day until the bottle is exhausted, probably another week.

When I saw the doctor the day after I asked when I could run and he said a month after the second surgery. I asked again at my most recent visit and he said he is very conservative and that I could run a week after the flashes (which I was having) went away. It has been at least a week since I last hod those flashes so next week I will try to get out there for a short run. He did not want my head bouncing around until the new lens was completely in place.

May is the month of birthdays for Megan and her brother Greg, we went out to dinner at Rosies for Megan’s birthday on the 2nd of May, actually dinner got delayed until two days later due to something that came up for the actual birthday. We had a very nice time.

Megan and I a few days after her birthday!

I wanted to say something about CHANGE…..

  • Retirement – I started retirement In October 2021 – it was not my choice the company laid me off, I knew we were financially secure but my desire was to wait until right around now, a few months later. I was disappointed but within a few weeks I started to accept and started to enjoy the new found freedom. I have my activities, food pantry, support group, baking, running, writing, gardening and traveling. So there is down time but plenty of things to do and have fun. I highly recommend retirement, it is great!!
  • Change – is hard – it can lead you down an unexpected path and that path can be brighter than where you started. Sometimes it is a tragic change and there are some life changes coming your way. There is always an opportunity presented to us, maybe there are hard choices but you can accomplish great things and even greater things.
  • I hope that all your changes bring a positive opportunity to you!

I continue to bake weekly, here are a few of the last few things I baked

Finally I visited my Mom on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, I found out the day after that my Mom had tested positive for COVID on Monday. So since Wednesday I have been in quarantine even though I have been feeling fine – I took a COVID test this morning and was negative so I feel I can begin to go out and about as I have been.,

Mom and I on Tuesday, May 10, 2022

My Mom is in the COVID wing with 20+ other residents from her floor.. we have to test negative before we visit so the virus must come from the workers. So far she is doing OK.

I hope you enjoy this short post and are well and enjoying the wonderful spring weather here in the North East.

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