Covid-19 Crisis

Since my last writing the world has changed – today we are living with the effects of the Coronavirus – COV-19…. The President, Governors are speaking to people every day.  Except for essential services stores are closed… Supermarkets had a run on toilet paper and hand sanitizer, you can understand hand sanitizer but toilet paper – is totally crazy.

However, I can understand the concern…. The mayor of New York City has been saying that hospitals will be overwhelmed in 45 days….  So that generates panic and people start hoarding – they are afraid the stores will be empty sometime in the not too distant future.

I agree it is important to limit exposure to others and wash hands frequently – it is important to limit the spread of this disease… the impact is much worse even critically for elderly individuals or those with other respiratory type risks….  You don’t want to spread to anyone in that high-risk category and how do you know who might be high risk?

The blatant disregard to others that the Florida beach goers have is deplorable.

I also believe that we will survive this and recover to full capacity – we don’t know how long that will take but we have sufficient resources to carry us into the future.  Hopefully this event will make the general population kinder and gentler to each other.

We also have to adapt to the situation at hand, as an example we temporarily had to cancel our support group meetings, we are exploring an online video tool where we could hold the support group meetings,  this may actually have the benefit where more people seek out help when needed.

As we adapt to the situation at hand I hope we can learn for the next emergency.

Until then, stay safe and enjoy the day.

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