My company asked us to submit a picture of a silver lining that we experienced during the coronavirus pandemic this year.
I immediately thought about my grocery shopping for those that could not get out and the cookies I baked weekly for the neighbors.
When the pandemic started I asked my food pantry contact if there were people in town that could not get out for food shopping, she put me in touch with the dial-a-ride driver who gave me the name of person that needed that, that led to 4 others that I was shopping mostly weekly for.
So I developed a sign to say that this was my silver lining – and it was, even though it was difficult at times finding the right item and especially since I was unfamiliar with some items them and it was hard with the mask wearing… I asked the workers several times where to find something.
Well the people I met were wonderful people… each with a story and a thankful heart. I really admired these people, the friendliness and the acceptance of their particular situations,
I also started to bake cookies weekly and deliver them to the neighbors. I got to know several that I did not know before and my weekly visits became very welcome.
Each of the grocery ladies has started to shop on their own or a relative has been doing the shopping, so this stint is coming to an end, while I am sad, I am extremely glad and thankful for the experience… and as we go on vacation in a few weeks I know they are covered.
This weekend we celebrated Father’s Day and my son and daughter-in-law came for the weekend to help us celebrate, that was a treat to have them with us for a few days. It was wonderful to have them.
This past week I completed Week 1 of my half marathon training, my son joined me for my 4 mile long run on Saturday. I also found out that my first half marathon will be virtual due to the coronavirus.