June 28, 2020

I just completed week 2 of my 12 week training for the half marathon on September 13. The live event was cancelled but they are offering a virtual race. Sign up for that starts in a few days on July 1st.

I will sign up for that and probably run with Paul, our son in Central Park, he had signed up for the race with me.

The training plan includes two runs during the week and a long run on the weekend.  Yesterday was 5 miles for a total during the week of 10, the mileage increases gradually over each week.

So far I am doing well with the training and not getting too far ahead of myself.

I am amazed and pleased that being a non-athletic person most of my life and now I am training for a half marathon.  I know I can do it, will take sticking to the plan and gradually building those miles.

As I have said before, it is important to start with a drive or mission, my goal some ten years ago was wanting to lose weight and I started walking every day 30 minutes and monitoring my diet… that led to running and entering races..  with a second place finish in my age category win my very first race!

I had been doing 5K’s for about seven years and then last year I challenged myself to a 10K last December, I trained for it and ran it successfully.   It took me a while but I started to think I could do a half marathon..  and here I am.

We have two weeks to go before our trip to Outer Banks, NC.  Right now NY, CT, NJ are saying 14 day quarantine after entering from North Carolina….  How would they possibly know.. that is just ridiculous… we shall see how it all goes and deal with whatever we have to deal with.

I wrote a short note to the ladies I do grocery shopping for – telling them I picked the grocery shopping and cookie baking as my silver lining for a challenge the company put out to employees.  See my post from last week for the picture.

I told them how much doing the shopping helped me, I was helping the community and it felt so good to d

This weeks I baked a lemon cookie with lemon glaze, it is quite tasty.

Next week will be the last for the cookies because we will be away for three weeks.

Try to get outside during this nice weather, stay safe and healthy!

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