Retirement Date

So today, September 6, 2019 was the intended retirement date and it is here!!!

I took a short vacation with my intended retirement date to be today to begin the adjustment process.

Management asked me to do some consulting work for them after retirement, however to save headache of reinstalling my access they extended my employment with a reduction in my hours.

I sent a message to my many contacts in the company telling them of my retirement / consulting arrangement – a message of thanks to all for participation with me over the years – the kind messages I received in return were comforting, reassuring and made me overwhelmed with pride…

  • It’s been a pleasure to work with you.
  • You are the best!
  • Awesome guy!
  • You’ve worked hard and deserve it.
  • You have been a wonderful positive impact on my career
  • You have been a great caring colleague
  • I have learned lots from you
  • It has been a pleasure to work with and get to know, a talented team mate and a true gentleman.
  • A big thank you for your support which has pumped more oxygen to live and grow and excel in everything we do enhancing our skill
  • Wonderful human being
  • Pleasure to work with
  • You are a great asset to our organization
  • Thanks for all the support

I do believe that companies should do more to encourage phased retirement, this would be a mutually beneficially thing for the employee and the company – why more companies do not do it is puzzling.  My simple schedule change can be dent for the future at my current company.

I think this arrangement to assist the team through the open projects and issues that arise will help us both – transition to the next generation and provide me with opportunity to phase into retirement.

I plan to report back in about a week to see how the move to retirement is coming along.

3 thoughts on “Retirement Date

  1. Reading those comments, although NONE of them came as a surprise to me, brought tears to my eyes. I hope you knew how cherished you were while working with these grateful colleagues!

  2. I applaud you for your years of service and achievement. I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed our association and I will always remember our dealings, and continue to benefit from your personal wisdom and expertise.

    Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement. Few have worked as hard as you have. I hope you will enjoy directing your energies into your other special interests.

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