October 14, 2019

It is hard to believe that 5 weeks have passed. I have settled into a nice schedule, working 12 hours per week. I was told that I add comfort to the client by being available.

I ramped up my running over the last few weeks and I did a 4-mile loop at the lake on Sunday the 13th.  I ran an average pace of 9:27 per mile which is a bit faster than my average in the past.  I am looking forward to my first 10K on December 21st in Winter Haven, Florida.  I feel ready for that.  Will run with my son, Paul, or should I say will start with him.

I am glad the company has supported my phase into retirement, I think companies will find this necessary to do to transition the work to those that succeed the seasoned employees.

One thought on “October 14, 2019

  1. Wonderful to see that the work hours are aligning and appreciated. Your run time is wonderful and I know you will reach your accomplishment.

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