CORV-19 Continued

The COV-19 crisis continues – there are more extreme measures – including closing of non-essential stores, a curfew from 8:00 pm to 5am, except for work or emergency.  So far these are suggested and not legally binding.

We are making the best of the situation.

  • We completed the testing of the Zoom application and we are set to run the DBSA Succasunna Support Group meeting using Zoom tomorrow evening. It looks like a good tool so hopefully people will be able to login and participate with not too many worries about the technology of it.
  • I got out three times this week running – once at the Horseshoe Lake in Succasunna and twice at the 1/3-mile track in Flanders.  There were less people at the walking track so I did that later in the week, the lake can get crowded with people in the afternoon when it was warm.
  • Today I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies – actually with a mix of types of chips from left over chips I had on hand.  I packed them into 10 baggies – and went around the neighborhood and passed them out.  I had to leave at the door for a few since they did not answer the door, those that answered the door were appreciative… Jarred the young man diagonally across from us came to the door and said he had been home for a period and was symptom free… I handed him the bag of cookies and wished him well, a sentiment he returned as well.
  • This morning I sent my good friend Yungchai an email to ask how they are doing out in Irvine, CA…. to my surprise she called me this afternoon, it was so good to hear from her.. she and I became friends when we worked for adjoining departments back in the early days of Buck opening the Secaucus Office back in 1986…
  • These are difficult times but we will get through it better if we find ways to help others or do something nice that might be unexpected.

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