Memorial Day 2020

Memorial Day Cookies
Memorial Day Cookies

Today we celebrate Memorial Day – a day for remembrance for those that gave their lives so we may be free today.

I decided I wanted to do something special for my weekly cookies, I was going to skip the week to take a break since I could not think of anything.  Well I did a search for cookies for Memorial Day, I found a recipe for decorating a hexagon shaped cookie, but could not find a cookie cutter shaped like that…. Another challenge was that it called for using Royal Icing – that is made with uncooked Egg Whites…. Not doing that, but there was an alternative using Meringue Powder.

Now where do you get Meringue Powder, after searching I found it at Michael’s craft store so I ordered two jars and went to Rockaway to pick them up.

Yesterday I baked a double batch of Sugar Cookies and rolled them out and cut out three-inch circles and cut out a circle in the middle so it would look like a wreath.

There were three colors, Red, White and Blue to make a flag like wreath, using the circle cut-outs.

Well I only have two pastry bags – I decided to do the blue with a spatula since that was a single block on the cookie, then there were 5 evenly spaced stripes for alternating Red and White  and Blue with Red being on the top and bottom. Of course little white balls for stars – it called for nonpareil tiny candies, but the white balls were a pretty good substitution.

It took some practice but I traced it out on a piece of parchment, after a few tries I got it and had the layout set, the first few I drew the pattern on the cookie but after a while I was able to do the pattern by looking at earlier ones and the pattern,

I was able to make 34 cookies, I packed them in baggies and drove them to three grocery ladies and then came back and passed them out to the neighborhood. There were a few left over.

I had never made Royal Icing before, I had to adjust and make it a little thinner than I had in the beginning, my sister Virginia gave me that tip.   It did not come out to look like the picture on the website but you can tell it is a flag and it looked very good..  Also, it tasted great too.

Spring is here and Summer is around the corner!!!

Happy Memorial Day!!!

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