Outer Banks Part 2

Our second week on the Outer Banks….

Weather has been spectacular – well not perfect…. It is hot with some humidity.

  • The weather reminds me of the first year we were here… beautiful blue skies but hot and humid.

I ran 6 miles this morning – I get out there very early – like 6:00 am or a little before to beat the heat.  I ran the 6 miles in one hour and 13 minutes.   It was a good pace considering the heat and humidity…. 12’14” per mile..  about the pace I had last December in a 10K race in Florida.

I have one more six mile run on Saturday to complete this week and then I have six more weeks of training to my half marathon around September 13.

It is wonderful to be aiming for a goal..  It is still incredible to me that I am actually going to run 13.1 miles in about 6 weeks….  That will likely be in NY with my son Paul..   he is a great encouragement to me as I train…. He has given me tips and helped me adjust my pace at the beginning last week when he and Gretchen were here…

Yesterday we went to the beach.  It was hot and we got there about 10:30 and left about 2:30… it was a bit rough coming back and Megan fell over onto a sand dune..  a kind life guard helped her up…. Next time I will drive the umbrella and chairs down there so she does not have to carry it up to the hill and to the beach.

In the evening I did laps in the pool.. it was nice and good exercise to close out a non-running day.

I was communicating with an old friend on Linkedin, I told him about my running and he said he wished he could do that..  I told him that I started running when I turned 60 – 8 years ago.. I was a little better than a couch potato back then..  about two years ago I decided I wanted to be more fit and not have to by a bigger waisted set of pants… so I started walking every day and I did that through rain, snow and bright skies for an entire year.. after that I joined Planet Fitness..  then I saw a sign for a race..  and practiced on the treadmill and ran my first 5K…

Since then I have progressed and am where I am today.. my hope is that I can encourage you to be more fit..  it does not have to be running just a regular schedule of moving – walking, biking, swimming.. just a little more than you are doing today… you will start to feel good about it and yourself and want to do more….  

The fun is discovering what this desire to be fit will take you…..

I am thankful and proud for where it has brought me to this point… and anxious to see where it takes me..  I hope you can join me….

One thought on “Outer Banks Part 2

  1. Glad to see you enjoying OBX. I recall climbing those sand dunes carrying a ton of items. Glad Megan was ok.

    Good luck with rest of your training, you will do great! Hey if I could do it, anyone can.

    Stay well.

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