Fun Times Continue

The weather has been mild, which is nice this time of year.

Our son Paul ran in the NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019, the weather was great for running not too cold or too hot…. He ran steadily and finished in 4 hours, 17 minutes and 34 seconds.  A wonderful accomplishment after months of training.

Everything is set for our trip to California on the 16th.  The car, hotels and highlights are all planned leaving a little for as you go planning.  We are looking forward to the beautiful scenery and moderate temperatures.

We will have three short weeks when we return before we leave for Florida for the Christmas holidays.

I have enjoyed volunteering for the food pantry by picking up left over milk and baked goods from the Ashley Farm and bringing the donations to the local food pantry, there was about 8 gallons of milk and a whole box of baked goods.  When I brought them to the food pantry there was a woman with her young daughter picking up supplies.  This is an important service to the community, you do not even realize the need is out there.

So many exciting things on the horizon, the two vacations, volunteering and training for the 10K on December 21 in Winter Haven, Florida.

My part time work is going along fine and I enjoy the long breaks I get between having to connect to the office.

Week 7 – October 27, 2019

We are having a wonderful time in this transition to retirement period.

We had a small home improvement done – replacing our internal doors to a more modern look.

The weekend was busy and fun filled. 

On Saturday with a DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Association) colleague and I ran a facilitator training session for 16 members of local groups from some NJ chapters.

I came home and baked a raspberry cream cheese cake and a chocolate cream pie for a gathering we were going to for Megan’s brother Greg.  After the gathering I baked oatmeal cookies for tomorrow’s group.

My training for 10K in late December is going very well – 5 miles on treadmill on Friday and 5-1/4 miles this morning.

This week I start a twice a week (Wednesday and Friday) volunteer driver for the local food bank, to pick up Milk and Baked Goods, when available from Ashley Farms.

Three weeks until our trip to California begins – this will be a big help in my adjustment to my full retirement in December or January.

Week 6 – October 20, 2019

I have been very busy.

We had a large branch break off one of the trees in the front yard from some strong winds we had this week.  I called the tree company we use to check the tree as there are more branches and the piece that broke off took half of the support for the rest of branches.  I am afraid the tree will not be stable enough.  The tree company has a very good arborist so he can tell easily.

The fallen limb.

My friend Ken told me that since I retired that these kind of things will take up my time now.  I guess it is all in the normal course of things.

Made our airline reservations to go to Florida for Christmas, so our traveling starts..  California the last two weeks of November and the Florida for the last week and half of the year.

We still need to reserve the car and hotel for both trips, but we do have some time for that.

I give Retirement an A+ – I highly recommend it if you have your finances set up sufficiently.

I am enjoying preparing for the 10K in late December, pushed my treadmill workout to 5 miles over the last couple of weeks, previously I was doing 3 miles for the last 4 or 5 years, so it is time to ramp up a little.

I wish  all a very wonderful week!!!

October 14, 2019

It is hard to believe that 5 weeks have passed. I have settled into a nice schedule, working 12 hours per week. I was told that I add comfort to the client by being available.

I ramped up my running over the last few weeks and I did a 4-mile loop at the lake on Sunday the 13th.  I ran an average pace of 9:27 per mile which is a bit faster than my average in the past.  I am looking forward to my first 10K on December 21st in Winter Haven, Florida.  I feel ready for that.  Will run with my son, Paul, or should I say will start with him.

I am glad the company has supported my phase into retirement, I think companies will find this necessary to do to transition the work to those that succeed the seasoned employees.

Week 4 – 10/6/2019

Week 4 and I am moving into the encore phase a little more comfortably.

I am expecting to get a better definition in the working hours so that the hours worked and hours paid more closely match.

A friend from work sent me this mug, such a kind gesture.

The second eye procedure went smoother than the first and the adjustment to the new vision is progressing.

Starting to get ready for the winter season, starting to put things away, testing snow blower and those tasks as the weather cools.

We made more progress on planning for the California trip, defined the approximate stop off points along the 550-mile trip from San Diego  to San Francisco, now we can select the things we want to see along the way and which we may leave for a future trip.

We found a house for next summer in the Outer Banks, it is on the same street as we had this past year and we are going to extend for a third week.

We are still in the  adjustment phase of this journey and finding our way as we go.

Week 3 – 9/29/2019

The transition continues.

We had a wonderful celebration of the beginning of my Encore Career – family and friends gathered at our home for a day of great food and visiting.  I received such kind gestures of recognition from everyone that was there. I am very thankful for my family and friends!!!

We have done the preliminary planning for our trip to California at the end of November, we booked our airline tickets.

We finally got our medical coverage settled after numerous calls and follow ups.  So now we have our expenses covered under the Medicare Advantage Plan I have from BNY Mellon.

Megan’s cataract surgery for her first eye was a success, she will have her second eye done on Wednesday, October 2, 2019.

 I am trying to balance out my part time work, I have exceeded the allotted hours for the last three weeks. This will work out in time I am sure.

Week 2 – 9/20/2019

The transition continues.

We are having a gathering to celebrate the beginning of the Encore Career with a party at our house next Saturday. 

We have done the preliminary planning for a trip to California the end of November, we booked our airline tickets. Started a 1,000-piece puzzle as a challenge.

We almost have our medical coverage settled after numerous calls and follow ups.  If all goes well we will be all set the beginning of the week.

Megan’s cataract surgery was a success, having one eye with near perfect vision and the other eye untreated has been a nuisance but manageable. Her second eye will be done in about a week and half.

 We completed most of the prep for the party, supplies, food cake.  Weather has been excellent for outdoor activities, hope that continues for next Saturday.

Week 1 – 9/13/2019

Week One Complete!

One week of my transition to retirement schedule has elapsed.

So how does retirement feel?

  • It is too early to tell what I think of retirement, is what I say when that question is posed.

Here we are –  so far I feel good – I have been busy with various things –  Cataract surgery for my wife Megan, Morris Mental Health Addiction Service Advisory Board and for tomorrow DBSA NJ Board Meeting and a picnic at the community garden.

I worked on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week to fill my 8 hours.

Sunday is the Alzheimer’s NJ Annual Walk.  I am helping man the shirt table, we have a family team in memory of my Dad  who we lost to this disease in January 2002. The team is called Al Chernick Family Walk for a Cure.   The donations help those suffering and thier caregivers.  This is a time for our family to get together.

We are having an “Encore Career Party” the end of the month (otherwise known as the Retirement Party).  This will be a good time with the family, my Mom will come out which is great when she can join us.

Retirement Date

So today, September 6, 2019 was the intended retirement date and it is here!!!

I took a short vacation with my intended retirement date to be today to begin the adjustment process.

Management asked me to do some consulting work for them after retirement, however to save headache of reinstalling my access they extended my employment with a reduction in my hours.

I sent a message to my many contacts in the company telling them of my retirement / consulting arrangement – a message of thanks to all for participation with me over the years – the kind messages I received in return were comforting, reassuring and made me overwhelmed with pride…

  • It’s been a pleasure to work with you.
  • You are the best!
  • Awesome guy!
  • You’ve worked hard and deserve it.
  • You have been a wonderful positive impact on my career
  • You have been a great caring colleague
  • I have learned lots from you
  • It has been a pleasure to work with and get to know, a talented team mate and a true gentleman.
  • A big thank you for your support which has pumped more oxygen to live and grow and excel in everything we do enhancing our skill
  • Wonderful human being
  • Pleasure to work with
  • You are a great asset to our organization
  • Thanks for all the support

I do believe that companies should do more to encourage phased retirement, this would be a mutually beneficially thing for the employee and the company – why more companies do not do it is puzzling.  My simple schedule change can be dent for the future at my current company.

I think this arrangement to assist the team through the open projects and issues that arise will help us both – transition to the next generation and provide me with opportunity to phase into retirement.

I plan to report back in about a week to see how the move to retirement is coming along.

The Transition

You will love retirement, that is what I have been hearing for a long time.

I would wonder, I love my life now so what would make retirement better, what was so special? I read books and magazines on retirement and processed the accounting of assets and income. So why did it take so long, what was I waiting for?

For me besides the financial elements there was change of routine, structure and contact with team members and friends in the workforce.   Also, the typical fear of the unknown.

Since we are both in good health it is a good time to start a new adventure for ourselves.

The purpose of this blog is to document my path into retirement and beyond, my hope is I can be one to encourage others how much they will love retirement.