Half Marathon in Two Weeks

I been training for the half marathon for 10 weeks now and I have two more weeks before the actual event.

I feel like I am ready and don’t know what pace I will be doing but I will be able to do it I know. Last week was 10 miles and today (Sunday) I did 7 according to the plan.

The weather has turned cooler, not humid at all with temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s in the morning. I have struggled to get out when it is in the low 50’s early in the morning. When I get out there I enjoy it immensely. But something about the chilly weather makes me nervous. This morning I pushed myself (a little later than my usual starting time) and I went out with a light sweatshirt on and leggings. I started out at a good pace and after a mile I took the sweatshirt off and left it on the trunk of the car. I did the remaining 6 miles in short sleeves. Which actually was fine, it was perfect weather to run in.

Seven Mile Run
My Seven Mile run today – 9/26/2021

My average pace was 16:21, which was my fastest pace this season. My pace over the 7 miles ranged from 15:41 (Mile 1) to 16:59 (Mile 4).

I am thankful I can run – I enjoy it a lot and always feel great when I am done. During the week when I run in the mornings I see some of the same people, two ladies walk 6 miles every day and they ask me how much am I doing or that I am looking good. Very nice to have that encouragement. It makes me feel good and I like to set an example.

I encourage everyone to move, it does not have to be running it can be walking or swimming or bicycling.. Anything to get the heart rate up to keep yourself healthy. You can start at any age. I started at age 60 so have been running for about 9 years.

As you may know I love to bake too. Today I made Lemon Cookies dipped in lemon glaze. They are one of the best cookies I make. I distributed most to the neighbors and the women I met grocery shopping during the early pandemic.

Lemon Cookies with Lemon Glaze
Lemon cookies with Lemon Glaze

I have one more week at work, I will be retired effective October 5, 2021. I am excited to the next chapter of my Encore Career. I continue to write and I am now attempting my first book or novella (a short book).

I love to try new things and now I have more free time to do just that try new things.

I am appreciative of my family and friends – they are the glue that hold us together and share our joys and help prop us up when the hard times come to us.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Feel free to leave a comment below.


As we go through the joys and challenges of life we build resilience or hopefully we do.

This week I had a test of my resilience when I was told on Monday, September 20 that my part time position at my company was being eliminated effective October 4, 2021.

Starting in September 2019 I converted to part time status to begin my phased retirement which I called my Encore Career. Encore is actually part of the URL for this blog.

I was planning to continue working at this part time position until early next year, so this was started a little early, I got two years working with the team and mentoring them so they could continue to develop and have success in the future. I think I accomplished that and I am extremely proud.

I have worked with the Xerox Client for the better part of 11 years, from the earliest implementation days to the early ongoing period, then I was off to a few more assignments and four years ago I rejoined the team to be the Defined Benefit Manager, when I went part time my title was Consultant.

My manager told me at my review and yesterday that the team “loved” me. I am humbled by that but I “love” them too their dedication to the participants in the pension plan and the client are excellent, that is why I know they will be successful in the future.

I continue to train for my half marathon in two and a half weeks, I ran ten miles on Sunday and four miles today.

I also continue to bake weekly, this week I made Oatmeal Raisin Cookies and gave them out to the neighbors and handed out at the support group meeting on Monday night

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

I also like to do puzzles, the latest butterfly puzzle was very challenging and I had put it aside a few times when we had company over.

We visited my Mom on Saturday, September 19, 2021, she has recently been doing good which is a joy to see, we took her outside to enjoy the beautiful garden and waterfall in the back courtyard of the facility she is in.

My Mom at the Grounds of the nursing home

As you go through the challenges that you run into you build your stamina and resilience we use that resiience to get through the challenges you encounter in the future. I believe that the resilience helped me get through the shock of being laid off. It is hard to leave the job but more importantly the people on such short notice but I am sure I will continue to enjoy my Encore Career and the opportunities that present themselves in the future.

Be well and stay safe and healthy – enjoy every moment.

Trouble on the West Coast part 2

Over the last ten years John and Tommy had mostly drifted apart, with periods of high contact which always started with promises to stay in touch but somehow they always ended up drifting apart.

After the positive court adjournment John told Tommy that he intended to stay a few weeks and work from out in California to spend some time with him. 

They headed to the Neptune Restaurant, a restaurant they had frequented on his trips to visit Tommy.   Although John wanted to try something different to kind of get on better footing or position a more positive future, but there was no time to research that and he did not know how Tommy felt about a change.

They said their goodbyes to the attorney and to Alex Hart, thanking him for his excellent work.  They had invited Alex to join them but Alex declined sensing some hidden tension between them and leaving  them to be alone to work things out.

John had been thinking about all the fire drills that involved Tommy in some way, going back to when they were kids – Tommy was being chased by the cops for stealing candy bars.  Boy were Mom and Dad upset with him and grounded him – as if he could be grounded!!! It was a childish prank really and not much was done in the way of remediation. Not even a trip to the store to pay back and apologize.  That was the beginning of his living on the edge, in John’s view.

John knew his standard career advancement and quick rise to the CFO of a major bank had been a culmination of great achievements, he had a wonderful wife and two kids, a son and daughter ages 10 and 12.  But now what was next, somehow he had lost his sense of adventure and was not seeing anything exciting now or in the future.   Tommy seemed so care free and had aged much less than John had now that they were in their early 40’s.

When this latest crisis came up and this one was a doozy, John sat down with Abigail as they did for a long time trying to sort out the disenchantment he felt and loss of adventure.  Abigail encouraged John to visit his brother soon after this real crisis was over as it threatens to put your brother in jail.  Abigail said maybe it is time for both of you to put the past behind and move forward and maybe even get Tommy to move here to get close to his nephew and niece.  Seeing him once every other year is not good and for Tommy or our kids.  Abigail continued – maybe he could be part of opening an East Coast branch for Pepperdine or get a positon at another university. 

John began to think of the first major crisis which was when Dad was badly injured when a small plan he was in crashed on take-off.  He became wheelchair bound after numerous surgeries. Tommy was close to their Dad and John was close to their Mom.  Mom did not handle the sudden change as well as Dad did.  She had an affair with Sam who lived behind the Applebee’s home.  It ended almost as quickly as it started when Sam and his wife moved away to Canada a few weeks into it.   Sally confessed to Hechter and begged for forgiveness.  Tommy felt that Sally should move out and let the men stay together and helping their Dad. 

When John and Tommy were kids Hechter worked for the CIA and had frequently travelled to the South American countries to track down drug trafficking.  He had been heading for one of those assignments when the two seater he was traveling to Venezuela crashed on take-off injuring the pilot slightly but injuring Hector very severely.

This led to more tension as John felt sorry for their Mom and felt they should stay together as a family.

Sally and Hechter went to therapy and Sally accepted Hechter’s disability and came to embrace it.  It was a long and difficult process but Sally and Hechter got a spark back in their relationship after about a year in therapy.  John saw that as victory while Tommy felt it was a failure.

So the twins were never tied together at the hip as they say.

Tommy went more on the wild side being carried home drunk or with a young girl at his side.  John towed the straight and narrow and kept to the books and never drank at a party.

How could two twins that grew up together be so different?

John told Abigail that if you took the good parts of each of us you would have an outstanding citizen and person.  Abigail laughed at him and she said that we are all different and each of us is a package and with a mix of the good and bad, the friendly and shy, the rich and poor.  She also said life is precious and we have only the family we have and there is nothing like that bond.

John agreed and said that he could work from California for a few weeks and maybe set things on better footing for the future, there is nothing I would want more than to have him be part of our family.  Abigail said then why don’t you just tell him that?

John was nervous as they went into the restaurant.  They ordered their typical drinks, John a scotch on the rocks and Tommy a Banana Daquiri.  John went right into it, John said I have been floundering for quite a while, I feel I have lost my sense of adventure, I do the same thing every day.  Tommy rolled his eyes and then said I am sorry John,  you have been my role model for so many years, you have attained great things and have a wonderful family.  I have nothing, just a few friends.  Floundering, that is what I have been doing my whole lifetime.

John started to cry… Tommy looked in wonderment.   Why are you crying?

I have been talking to Abigail for over two years about my disenchantments, I want to be more freewheeling like you.  Tommy started to laugh and that got John laughing too….

John said – This is wild we have drifted so far apart and we have come full circle that we are happy and unhappy at the same time.   Tommy said that he has seen many students over the last 12 or 13 years and has learned that true happiness comes from accepting where you are today.  John thought and thought, you know that sounds like a good start.

But what about adventure what can I do to get that spark back like when we were kids surfing without a care in the world. 

Tommy said he had started riding a bike about 10 years ago and had also started running off and on.   How about we set up a little competition you on the east coast and me on the west coast who can finish a 5K race faster or with a better pace?

John said that is funny about 5 years ago I started riding a bike and just last year I ran a mile and half around the neighborhood..  I never thought of that as an adventure.

Tommy said well the west coast will do that to you, everything is an adventure out here or at least to me.  Tommy said it is kind of a mind-set.

John then asked Tommy what he thought about relocating to the east coast to be closer to John and his family…. Tommy’s eyes brightened up and said he is not sure how but he had been thinking of that off and on.   Tommy said I have to settle this payment plan for the pension loan I took, hopefully the money I had to give to get on probation will come back soon.

John said he could loan him money if it was needed.

Tommy said he does not need much and with his savings and pension fund he had enough to even take an adjunct at a university back there.

John said “I feel so much better to even think of the possibility of you being close to us. Let’s not get bogged down in the details we need to get ourselves onto solid ground.”   Tommy nodded and said let’s see about dessert”

Trouble on the West Coast

Here is the first installment of the story in case you missed it.

After reading an article in the New York Times about a successful international operation to arrest the leaders of a drug cartel, John turned the page of the newspaper and saw something that caught his eye: a photograph of      himself, although it was not. 

The caption under the photo said  Thomas Applebee shown after he was arraigned on embezzlement charges in Los Angeles Superior Court. He continued to read the article, which noted that there was a $10 million discrepancy in the endowment fund at Pepperdine University, and, in an unhappy coincidence, a mysterious $10 million had been deposited in the New York Amalgamated Bank account of this Thomas Applebee, the man who looked just like John – and for good reason, for Thomas was better known to John as his identical twin brother Tommy

The twins John and Tommy grew up together in Southern California in and around Malibu; every spare minute they would surf at the local beaches.  Even in their college days at Pepperdine University, Tommy would hang out at the beach catching waves instead of going to class many days.  John joined him occasionally – but only occasionally, being the more studious one.

Upon graduation from Pepperdine, John with a degree in corporate finance and Tommy with a degree in art history, they went their separate ways on opposite sides of the country. John secured a job at the Northern Suburban Bank in New York City.  Tommy took a gap year and travelled to Europe and returned to the surfing scene in California  for a while as he earned his Masters in Fine Arts, and ended up securing an adjunct professor position at Pepperdine.

After about ten years John became the CFO of Northern Suburban Bank      and Tommy was a tenured professor and Director of Pepperdine’s Endowment fund.  John married Abigail, a civil engineer who worked for the state transportation authority, while Tommy remained a bachelor. 

John began to think of his brother in a prison.  How could that happen?  John had been busy with his life in New York, working in Manhattan and living in Chappaqua, New York and planning an ad campaign to gain market share from the  New York Amalgamated Bank.  His mind flashed back to the times surfing on the Malibu coast while in school      with his brother. How many years agowas that?

John thought something did not sound right, and he called Tommy, who told him immediately that he knew nothing about what he was being accused of, and nothing about the account the money was found in. 

“I don’t even have an account at that bank.  Why would I?  Aren’t they your biggest competitor?” He went on, “I contacted a private investigator but he has not given me a report yet.”

John said he would reach out to a few contacts to see what he could find out.  He called Steve Smith, the long-serving head of security at the bank. 

Steve said, “I can put you in touch with a firm we use for tracking money laundering and missing funds.” 

When John spoke to  Alex Hart, a senior analyst at the firm of Peach and Company, the security firm that Steve Smith had suggested,  Alex indicated he could help his brother – for a $25,000 retainer.  After talking with      Abigail about the situation John wired the       $25,000 to the Peach and Company account.

The next day John was on a plane with Alex, headed for the Los Angeles airport.

After landing in Los Angeles they met Tommy, who had made bail by borrowing from his pension fund, at a hotel near the airport.   Alex explained that he had put the wheels of investigation in motion and already received some relevant information. 

“I need you to sit down for this,” Alex said, gesturing to three wicker chairs surrounding a table.

“All of the funds were withdrawn from the college endowment three weeks ago by Sigma Corporation, a shell organization connected to a Central American drug cartel.  The money was moved to a fictitious account, created in Tommy’s name, but with someone else’s Social Security Number and address.  I’m not sure how the authorities missed that, but they did.”

Alex continued.  “This was done by hacking into Pepperdine’s payroll system through a phishing email that fooled a member of another department..  They got deep enough to determine that Tommy was an alumnus and a faculty member in a senior position with access to the endowment.  They pulled your personal information, searched online to figure out your connection to the endowment, and then they hit the endowment fund using your credentials and depositing the funds in Tommy’s fictitious account that they created using stolen information.” 

“Based on similar cases, I would expect that anyone who was actually laundering the money would have fully moved it out of the account by now.  There was some movement before the account was frozen, though no more than $1 million before the authorities were alerted.  Plus, that shell corporation is affiliated with the cartel whose leaders were arrested recently.  They probably were going to blackmail you, Thomas, but had to abandon their scheme.”

Alex said he had alerted the New York Amalgamated Bank of this scam, and so the account was frozen and any activity to withdraw funds, including the $1,000,000 that had already been withdrawn  would be traced by the FBI field office.

“After we finish here, I’ll be calling Pepperdine.  They might have to name buildings after both of you for all of this trouble,” Alex half-joked.

The next day Tommy appeared in court, and his attorney called Alex to the stand as part of a motion to dismiss the case.  Alex explained how the Pepperdine systems had been hacked and how the Sigma Corporation controlled by the South American drug cartel was able to transfer the $10 million  to the fictitious account they set up in Thomas Applebee’s name.

The judge was a little skeptical so  asked some questions around the hacking and what happened to the $1,000,000 that was withdrawn.  Alex noted that the FBI could independently verify the withdrawal of that money, and could confirm that the account was set up with Thomas’s name but not his      Social Security Number or address. 

The prosecutor objected suspiciously accusing the twins of being the master minds behind this crime.   The judge denied the prosecutor’s objection  and after a few moments, the judge asked Thomas to stand.

Tommy stood nervously before the judge who banged his gavel and said, “Based on the information supplied, I dismiss this case.”

John hugged his brother and decided to stay with him in California for a few weeks.

John thought would this Tommy crisis be different, could they become close again?


September 10, 1977

Forty Four years ago Megan and I were married at the First Presbyterian Church of Babylon, Long Island, New York.

A rich and fruitful life followed and continues.

As life goes there were many challenges, joys, sadnesses, ups and downs. We have been through them all and become stronger and more resilient as time has gone by.

We had our son Paul in 1982 and we moved to Succasunna, New Jersey in 1986.

As you have seen on this blog we have been fortunate to do a good amount of travel and vacationing the last few years as I have cut back my work to a part time status about two years ago.

The wonder of the world around us is as vibrant and lovely as it was an age ago.

Now I do not consider us old, I think old should be banished from the discussion of age. I have always thought I am who I am no matter the age. Of course some health issues to appear but we have taken action as needed and gotten ourselves back on track.

I have to take blood pressure medicine and medicine for my thyroid but this is part of life for us, Megan has her share of medicine also, these are facts of modern science that give us the opportunity for a healthy life.

Us on September 10, 2021 as we get ready to go to dinner at Rosie’s in Randolph, NJ.

I have written extensively on this blog about my running, baking, writing and gardening.

I have decided not to renew the community garden next year because our travel and vacation plans have interrupted my ability to properly care for it. Next year I will grow some vegetables in bots on the patio and deck.

I continue to run and am training for a half marathon on October 10, 2021.

I continue to bake and have been subscribing to a magazine called Bake from Scratch. Last month a baked a delicious Roasted Strawberry Cake and this week a made a delicious Cheddar Cheese Apple Pie, with a lattice top.

I continue to bake cookies every week for the neighbors and the weekly support group meetings.

Of course my training plan for the half marathon continues.

Statistics from Thursday, September 9, 2021 training.

Training continues on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Sundays with mileage increases most weeks. The mileages will increase weekly and then the last few will taper as I get ready to run the half marathon.

I am thankful that I am able to do this and actually amazed at myself as I was never athletic as a kid or young man.. but I started about 10 years ago and have no plans to stop at this point. It is a great exercise and great for the mind as well.

I continue to write and I have written the second installment of Trouble on the West Coast the story about John and Tommy story

First Part of story:


Second Part of story:


Life is precious and wonderful and I wish all good health and happiness whatever that means to you.

Half Marathon!

I will be running a half marathon on October 10, 2021.

This will be my second half marathon – last year it was a virtual run but this year it will be in person (so far). It will be in Clinton, NJ which is about 45 minutes southwest of us.

Our son Paul will be running with me, which is a true highlight for both of us.

Since around August 15, 2021 I decided to switch from training for a full marathon to a half marathon. I pulled up the Hal Higdon training plan I used last year and tracked the time back from October 10 to that time and I switched my training to that plan.

August 15 I have been following that plan which consists of runs on Tuesday and Thursday of each week with a long run on Sunday. If necessary you can do the long run on Saturday if scheduling or weather prevents the Sunday run,

Last week I ran 2 miles on Tuesday and 6 miles on Tuesday and Thursday. This week I started out today with 4 miles and then it is 6 miles on Tuesday and Thursday again..

Next week the long run in 8 miles and the week after that the long run in 10 miles.

I already ran 10 miles when I was training for the marathon so I know I can do it.

The combination of temperature and humidity has made it harder to run, especially the long runs. I try to do the bulk of the long run or any run over 4 miles mostly in the shaded path that shoots off of Righter Road. That helps quite a bit.

I have told this story several times but I started running around my 62nd birthday which was a little over 7 years ago. I did my first 5K in July of that year and took second place in my age category. That was my first race and I took second place in my age category. I had already fallen in love of running but this cemented it. I overdid it and injured myself and after advice from a doctor I moderated and did not run every day.

We did the 5K run in Winter Haven, Florida a few years in December when we were visiting over Christmas. In 2019 I did the 10K – they offered 5K and 10K at that event so I decided to try my hand at the 10K… and I did very well. Then last year I did my first half marathon even though it had to be virtual.

Our son Paul has been supported all of my running and I very much appreciate that. It is wonderful when I get a chance to run with him and I know he feels the same way.

As I have closed many of these posts I would like to say that if you put your mind and energy to something you can and will accomplish it. It is not always easy and does not lead to a slam dunk so to speak. I am amazed that I can even run 3, 4, 5 or 10 miles or even a half marathon.

I encourage you to get out and walk a mile or two… you will feel so good and you never know where that will go… I started out 9 years ago just walking and here I am today running.

Today's 4 Mile Run
Today’s 4 Mile Run courtesy of the Strava App

Be well and stay safe and move at your own pace!!!


I have always considered my self as being adaptable. However sometimes we get put to the test. Since we returned from Hawaii I have been training for a full marathon at the end of October. We went to the Outer Banks the last three weeks of July and I could not complete the weekend long runs due to the combination of heat and humidity. Then we came home and I got myself on track. Then last week extreme heat and humidity hit us here in NJ and I only ran on Tuesday of last week.

So after thinking about it more I realized it was going to be very difficult to get back on track at this point. I made the difficult choice to switch to a half marathon instead of a full marathon. Last year I ran a half marathon but it was virtual so this will give me the opportunity to do the half marathon in a live event.

Through these training I have said and believe that I am happy every time I run and it is the journey not the destination that counts. So last year if I did or didn’t do the half marathon I would be OK. I said the same thing about the marathon this year and will say it again with the half marathon in October.. I enjoy the training so much that the actual race is the extra icing on the cake.

So with the half marathon schedule I ran 6 miles today and did it very comfortably with the break in humidity.

Today’s run statistics.

I also enjoy baking.

I enjoy baking and sharing with the neighbors and the women I got to know doing grocery shopping during the pandemic last year. I enjoy getting little messages via text or the next time that the cookies were enjoyed. I hold back some for group on Monday’s.

I have A plot, actually two adjacent plots, up at the Community Garden in our town. It is right up the street from where we live.

Although my garden is overrun with weeds, since I was away for those three weeks in July I have not been able to get them under control. I do get a good amount of produce from the garden. Over the next week I will try to pull or cover with mulch the weeds.

It is always good to appreciate what we have and to adjust as necessary as we move along.

I hope this post finds everyone well and healthy and in good spirits as we enjoy these wonderful summer days and evenings.

Outer Banks – Week 3 (Final Week)

We had a nice relaxing and fun time our third week.

I ran 6 days this week and exceeded the training plan’s by 3-1/2 miles for a total of 28.75 miles. Hopefully I can run my long runs when I am home, it was impossible to do with the heat and humidity at least for me.

Today’s Run

We had a lot of pool time this week!

Only one pool picture this week.

Evening at the beach

Our last visit to the beach

Outer Banks – Week 2

We had a great time in week two of our three weeks here in Duck, North Carolina.

I have been running every day except for Sunday, trying to keep on track with my training plan for the marathon later in the year. I kept weekly total to equal or exceed the weekly total in the plan without the 12 or 13 mile long run on Saturday, I will wait for that for when we go home.

One of my runs last week.
My good friend Ken and Me!!!

Outer Banks 2021

Our first week has concluded, Paul and Gretchen joined us from Tuesday to Sunday, they left yesterday, we had a wonderful time with them here.

We went kayaking.

We hung around the pool just relaxing and soaking in the sun. No pictures will have some later.

Hanging around

We did two puzzles

We made Halibut Veracruz, a tradition every year!

Halibut Dinner

Paul & Gretchen and Megan and Chris – the infamous Halibut Veracruz Dinner

We also went to Buck’s Ice Cream on the Boardwalk

We ran several times!

Around the house