What is a runner?

A search on the web brought these two answers:

  1. a person who runs, especially in a specified way.

“Mary was a fast runner.

2 a person who smuggles specified goods into or out of a country or area.

“a drug-runner”

Well I am not one who smuggles anything. 

Do I run in a specified way – well yes, I suppose – I run on the road, a treadmill or on a path.

My favorite place to run is Horsehoe Lake here in Succasunna, NJ, I also like to run at the track on Bartley Road in nearby Flanders.  Both paths are flat and fun to run on.  The Horseshoe Lake path goes around the lake and surrounding area, it can be too crowded on the weekend, so many times on the weekend I will go to the path in Flanders.

I had a very successful running period this month of May 2020, I ran a total of 70.1 miles in the month, last month it was 50 miles and I have been running between 4 and 6 miles at a session.

The good thing at the end of these runs I feel like I can go further, which is good for the stretch training needed for training for a half marathon, which I will do for the first time in mid-September 2020.

I have to change my routine a bit to follow the plan which starts out at low mileage – 2 – 3 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday gradually increases the miles over 13 weeks, with the long runs on the weekends..  bringing the long run to 10 miles the week before the race…. The half marathon is 13.1 miles.

I know that I can do it and have to change my routine to train for it a bit, it will be different but I am sure I can do it.. I think I will like the routine of being out running three times during the week and once on the weekend. I think that will be good for me to pace myself that way.

So today as I was running several men and a few women ran past me..  very young and not too much younger than me.. I thought they looked like runners and wondered if they thought that I looked like a runner.

As I deliverd cookies to the neighbors today I thought – am I a runner?

As I was never athletic in school or in earlier years it is hard for me to believe that.

But yes I am a runner,  I am a lot of other things too, baker, gardener, photographer, support group leader, actuary… but most importantly a person with varied interests.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the wonderful spring and summer weather coming our way!!

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