Saturday, March 28, 2020

Here we are another week of lock down.

I have been going to the Shoprite regularly, I think 5 of the last 7 days… small amounts each time.

Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Napkins are short supply or non-existent…. even Oatmeal recently.

I did grocery shopping for a woman that lives in an apartment complex called Willow Walk on Thursday, it had a small vestibule with buttons to buzz the resident.  I picked up the Gift Cards she had and went to the Shoprite close by..  of course no toilet paper or disinfectant wipes….. she wanted Weaver’s Chicken Patties, I never heard of that and searched the frozen aisle…. I got a Shoprite clerk to help me find it…. When I delivered the groceries, I got confused in the little vestibule and tried to open the second door.. two ladies were sitting in the lobby and one of them opened it up.. they asked me if I was looking for someone – I told them and they said she was on the third floor and I could buzz her…. I buzzed her and one of the women told her I was down there… they told me to wait in the lobby… well when the lady came down she was all upset pointing her finger and telling me I had to go in the vestibule because the town said no one was allowed in the lobby… I gave her the groceries and the gift card with the balance on it… and left.

Yesterday I got a call from another lady, that was interested in grocery shopping a week from Monday, she was a lot friendlier and I said  I would be glad to, she gave me her address and said she was on oxygen, she lives in a two-family house on Main Street. She said her daughters live in Basking Ridge and another town.  I look forward to helping her.

We had a successful Zoom meeting with the support group on Monday, we have 6 support groups in NJ offering Zoom meetings, at this time it is important to give those that are alone and under unusual stress to have a outlet to others.  It is important to reach out to friends you have not had contact with for a long time or those you know that might be lonely.. keeping in touch with as many as possible is helpful to them and even yourself.

I hope my readers are coping well, adapting to the guidelines as best you can.

If I can help you with anything call me or send me an email –

Thank you for reading my blog.

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