Thursday, April 23, 2020

We continue in our altered form of existence living under the restrictions caused by the coronavirus.

A funny thing happened shopping for a new woman late last week – on her list was two bottles of L’Oreal Blond #7 Hair Coloring Kit…. Well if you could see me bent down looking at all of the hair coloring kits, perseverance paid off and way back on the shelf after a few minutes I was able to locate the desired product and secure two bottles.  Of all my shopping excursions this was the most unusual.  I wonder how a half blind person with stringy gray hair would use two boxes of hair dye.. but at least made her happy.

Also I got a few surprises from my routine of delivering fresh baked cookies to neighbors – On Monday I found four snickerdoodles in the mail box from the young couple next door thanking us for the cheer me ups I have been leaving.. last week the neighbor on the other side left sourdough bread and some cookies another left a baking mitt that said “Man with a Pan” thanking the “Cookie Man……..   I also got an email from the people on the corner… so spreading a little cheer to the neighborhood is having a positive impact.

Yesterday I shopped for another woman – she left me a voice mail thanking me for do the shopping for them and the strawberries were beautiful… and thanking my wife for letting me do this shopping for them.

Today I shopped for another – she was so appreciative – I asked her not to add anything to the check, which she did last time… I told her this was my joy and gift to the community… I also picked up two cans of tomato soup, which I could not get for the 93-year old person who lives in the same complex and I dropped off to her – she insisted on paying me – I honestly could not remember because I had combined in grocery shopping I was doing to donate to the food bank – I said a dollar which I gave her, when she saw the two cans she said that was not enough. I told her no worries.

The weather is getting warmer which means I will be able to get out and run more.

Hooray!! Ran 5.11 miles today (April 23, 2020) at the track in the park in Flanders, NJ.
Mile 1 – 9’15”
Mile 2 – 9’11”
Mile 3- 9’32”
Mile 4 – 9’42”
Mile 5 – 10’25”
Average pace: 9’41” per mile
So glad I was able to get out there!!!

As we begin to enter the phases of re-opening our society we need to be mindful of our mental health. I have read that it can be hard to recover from a traumatic incident and this is going to be hard.. worry about getting close to another person – or not wearing a mask.. will be frightening… I think now is the time to turn off most of the news and do infrequent check in on the status of things rather than listening all the time.

Try to get out and exercise to keep your mind and body in shape and in tune.

Stay safe and be well, this emergency will pass in time.

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